6. Mood Index – Little Blind

Choose muted hues to keep your beer can label looking sleek and elegant. Or, you can choose hues that correspond to the specific flavors in your beer, such as the orange shades used by Little Blind for their sour IPA beer.

7. 40 Thieves- Zero Gravity Craft Brewery

Why not choose icons from pop culture to make your labels stand out? With the 40 Thieves label, Zero Gravity Craft Brewery chose some thieves from pop culture to grace the label. You could choose to use some other famous faces on your beer labels to make them more memorable to your customers.

8. Automatic – Creature Comforts Brewing Company

Vintage vibes have been all the rage lately, so it’s no surprise that a beer label inspired by the retro 1950s has made our list. The brand chose a local artist to design the retro label for its beer cans. You could easily choose to use inspiration from any iconic era to make your beer labels stand out and shine.

9. No Bones DDH Hazy IPA – Indiana City Brewing Company

10. Lord Grey – Three Taverns Brewery

Why not choose a specific symbol that represents your company? Every brand needs a specific image that makes it stand out from the rest, as the Lord Grey portrait does for the Three Taverns Brewery beers. Get creative, and think about what inspires you. Then, put that on your beer can label. People will start to associate your brand by the symbol on your cans, which will leave a lasting impression on customers.

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